Posts filed under ‘Love’

Back back backity back

So I’ve not really been busy – can’t say that – but I’ve just not had a whole lot to write about. I promise I won’t make a habit of it, but here’s a bullet list of the goings-ons of Kitty:

  • Zilla and I got Nintendo DS’s. And damn, I’m totally addicted to Zelda. And, did you know that you can draw on a DS and then send it to someone else with a DS? First picture that got exchanged? A Kitty original of Gouty getting my cat off in a dirty sexual manner.
  • Speaking of Gouty, he’s got a new blog – and he wrote about getting the cat off, me catching him pooping, and other fun things!
  • And speaking of Zilla, which I so often do and never get tired of, I’m meeting his Momma and Stepfather this Sunday. And while I’m not one to ever really get nervous, I’m terrified. I really want to make a good impression, and I’m so afraid I’ll do something wrong. I’m too rough around the edges for parental meetings.
  • And speaking of parents again, I’ve been composing and re-composing this long letter to my Dad and Mom about me being gay and all the good stuff that goes with it. I’ve never really hid anything from them, but I’ve never really thrown it all out there either, and I’m just too old and too bold to beat around the bush.
  • Had a LOVELY dinner with Yellow Fever, Teach and Gouty. Very fun, and a shame it happens infrequently.
  • Zilla and I start Japanese on Saturday – I can’t wait to learn another language. Maybe I’ll remember this one.
  • I’ve been craving caramel like it’s going out of style. Not sure why.
  • Blood pressure problems suck. Finding the right drug for my patented brand of evil has been such a struggle, and I’m so sick of feeling miserable.
  • Zilla’s birthday came early. And seeing his face … one of my favorite moments.
  • We also built cute Halloween Build-a-Bear Cats for each other. Mine’s name is Ezmerelda – she barks and meows, and according to Zilla, has an identity crisis.
  • Tater, Zilla, Crazy/Hot and I are going to the Forest Park Balloon Race this weekend. Can’t wait. Friday night, Zilla, Professor McHottie and her partner are going to get drinks and have sushi.
  • I miss Bizkit and Tea so bad sometimes that it physically hurts. It kills me to to think of how physically far away they are.
  • My intern is a rock star. My boss is amazing.
  • And fucking Noodles, my cat, even though he’s adorable, was apparently craving chocolate mint and he ate my chocolate mint plant that my co-worker propagated for me. Bummer.

September 16, 2008 at 4:00 am 1 comment


Today is four months for me and Zilla.

I took him cupcakes last night – cuz he’s my cupcake and all.

I love that every time I think of him, I still smile from ear to ear. And that I still think he’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen every time I look at him. And that just the thought of him brightens my day and makes me happy.

And he loves it when I buy him silly toys.

And  I love it when I talk in that annoying screechy voice that drives him crazy and it still makes him laugh.

And that he hearts champagne as much as I do.

And that he has the most amazing, beautiful eyes that I’ve ever seen.

And that he used to throw tennis balls at cars when he got pissed off in traffic.

And that I can tell he’s excited to see me whenever he sees me, regardless of how dumpy I look (I’m rarely dumpy looking, but he is excited to see me even when I am. C’mon, I’m a fox, ya’ll!).

And that we love watching scary movies together – and he never gets scared, and I always do.

And that he loves Disney movies, and Care Bears movies.

And makes religious jokes just like I do, no matter how poor taste they may be.

And that he makes stuffed animals talk.

And that my cats love him – more than me.

And that my friends love him, and he is crazy about them.

And that he’s always willing to try new things, no matter how unfamiliar they may be.

And ..

And ….

And …..

And the list can go on and on and on.

I’m thankful, not smug. Blessed, not boasting.

And I’m glad that I finally found the fella that is perfect for me.

September 4, 2008 at 3:37 pm 4 comments

Simply the Best

It’s about 11:00 pm, and I’ve been lying in bed for about 10 minutes.

My head is pounding – more than likely because I haven’t taken my allergy medicine for a week now.

I’m sleepless and staring at the ceiling (no Ceiling Cat up there, sadly) and tossing and turning.

I knew that Wednesday would be a busy, intense work day, and that I also had a 3 page paper to write and two learning modules to develop for my classes this semester.

I was dwelling on the laundry that needed to be done in preparation for this weekend’s trip to Chicago for Mary’s 40th birthday, the packing that I’d have to do, and of course, daydreaming about what I’ll do when I when the lottery. (Not “if” but “when.”)

I let this continue til 12:08 am exactly and then decided that I’d had enough.

Hopped in the car, drove the 35 minutes to Zilla‘s crib, walked in the front door and slipped quietly into his warm bed and snuggled up right next to him.

I’d texted on the way, and he’d left the door open and gone back to bed.

I fell asleep instantly – worked like a charm.

This morning, he woke up early, as he always does, and I said, “Thank you for letting me come over last night.”

“Hey,” he smiled. “You can come over any time. I love it when you sleep over. It will never be too late to call me to let me know you’re coming over.”

Then he kissed me on the forehead, like he does every time we wake up next to each other, and left to fix his coffee.




August 27, 2008 at 2:09 pm 6 comments

We’re Kinda Like Johnny and June

Zilla and I had just finished checking out new movies and video games at Wal-Mart, got in the car, and heard a country singer crooning about how he and his love were like “Johnny and June.”

It was a pretty song, so I said:

“Hey Zilla? We’re kinda like Johnny and June, aren’t we? Cuz we love each other like that much and stuff.”

“Yeah, kind of, except I’m not an alcoholic with anger issues. Not yet,” he said.

“Well, yeah” I said, “I guess there is that.”

August 25, 2008 at 7:12 pm 5 comments

… but more importantly, the Good

MAJOR congratulations to the super-awesome, incredibly hot, charming, sweet, thoughtful, best boyfriend in the history of the world Zilla!

Zilla has been at his job for some time, and has been pretty stressed out with it as of late, but a couple weeks ago found out that he’d been promoted to a job that he’ll love, that will utilize his talents far more than they were previously used, and should prove to be a bit less stressful as well.

Congratulations, handsome. A promotion couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. I’m so excited for you and so proud of you and all your hard work.

August 19, 2008 at 1:49 am Leave a comment

So We’re Laying in Bed Last Night …

following a delicious home-cooked meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and caesar salad prepared with much love and attention by Zilla and a very delicious dessert (wink) when all of a sudden the power goes off.

This is not uncommon in the small town in which Zilla lives, apparently.

“God damnit!” he exclaimed as the power flickered off once, came back on, then went out for  much longer period of time. “Why can’t they keep our power turned on here?”

He’s right – the power had flickered off earlier in the evening, and also twice in the two days before. Oh, and it must be mentioned that we were as puzzled as we were frustrated – it was a calm night with no rain, wind or storms anywhere in the area!

So, after getting up and walking around in the house a bit, (Zilla’s walking to see if the neighbors are also without power. I am walking to see if there are any monsters in the house and if the doors are all locked tightly) we head back to bed.

“Hey Zilla,” I say.


“If there is an alien attack or monsters or something, you can run off and leave me. I’d understand. You can run a lot faster than me, and I’d not wanna hold you back.” I said. “Cuz you know, the power in the small town always goes out before the monsters or the aliens attack and all.”

“Yeah, there won’t be an attack. And I won’t run off. I’d go down fighting.”

“Well, okay,” I said. “I’m glad you’d not leave me, but I just wanted to extend the option should the situation occur.”

“Okay,” he said.

(Quiet snickering from Zilla’s side of the bed begins.)

“What are you laughing at?” I inquire.

“Well, usually, when the power goes out, I make that noise that that little cat-boy thing makes … you know, from The Grudge?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Please don’t do that. That movie terrifies me in the middle of the day, much less now.”

“I know,” he said, “Which is why I didn’t do it. But it’s still really funny.” 

An hour later, I’m still kind of bajiggedy about lights out, so he turns on Futurama. I watch an episode, and quickly doze off. The lack of power and the sheer darkness of his room actually put me to sleep quite well once my mind wandered away from aliens and the creepy cricket monster.

The power came back in the night sometime – I woke up snuggled up tightly with Zilla and the covers all bunched up …

… with no visible signs of alien probing. Or cat-boy scratches or hairs.


My eyes are totally open for skin abrasions bearing microchips. Or unexplained cat scratches.

And yes, I’m thisclose to putting on my aluminum foil hat. (wink)

August 7, 2008 at 2:31 pm 2 comments

The *One* Basic Food Group

After my day yesterday … pecking away at the keys, answering stupid phone calls, having no real time to do fun things like play Frogger against Design Diva, my coworker, or even take a walk, I chose to start this day right.

Introducing … breakfast.


Breakfast, I love you. Love love love you.

Breakfast, I love you. Love love love you.


And here is a lovely haiku I wrote, in honor of the aforementioned breakfast, after I had consumed it.

*clears throat* Ahem.

The Morning God

Love at first taste is

A very mild understatement.

Champagne is my God.

August 6, 2008 at 2:30 pm 1 comment

Three Months = 91.3105497 days


Zilla hearts Gatito

Zilla hearts Gatito

My credit card had reflected that I had paid $19.95 that month to Yahoo Personals.

WTF? I didn’t have a Yahoo Personals account.

Or so I thought.

I went back bank statement after bank statement, and every month, for almost six months, I had been paying for Yahoo Personals. I briefly  recall registering an account, but don’t remember any real activity on it.

So that particular day in April when I discovered that I had been paying for Yahoo Personals, I contacted Yahoo to cancel it. (Which, by the way, is a huge pain to do, and a difficult process. Shame on Yahoo for making cancellation so difficult but sign-up so easy.) I cancelled my account, but was informed that I had roughly 2 weeks left that I had paid for, so I figured, “What the heck” and began browsing.

The first match was Zilla. His big smile, mischievous eyes and flaming red hair drew me instantly to him. He was also my number one “recommended match.” 

I took the plunge and wrote a long, bantering email to him discussing my thoughts on “Lost,” Bender, and my hatred of raccoons. I thought he was way too cute, sounded way too normal, and thus, was way way out of my league.

I was surprised when he wrote back. It was charming, sweet, and funny. 

We chatted on the phone a couple of times, on yahoo messenger a couple of times, then about a month later, met in person.

I had gotten all cleaned up and drove across the river to Illinois to meet him. We had delicious Mexican food, incredible conversation, and wrapped it up by playing Mario Kart Wii at his house.  It was a pretty perfect first date.

Date two was a candle-light dinner at his house. He fixed it all by himself – all I had to do was show up. I was so spoiled. I remember almost jumping across the table to kiss him when he told me that he’d walked in the rain to get the food for dinner.

Three months later – today – I am still as enchanted by him as I was on that very first date. Probably more so. Now I know what makes him tick, what makes him smile, laugh. I think it’s cute when he does everything, and he’s accepting of my neuroses – all of them.

Three months have just flown by – and that’s 91.3105497 days! I read a statement last night that applies so well to how I feel about him …

“If you’re wondering if you’re with Mr. Right, you’re probably  not.”

So true. I’ve never wondered if he’s Mr. Right. I’ve always known. Without question.

He is so right for me.

August 4, 2008 at 4:40 pm 2 comments

Gatito Morphs: Mr. Wheeler is Born

There’s a good chance that I’m the only person who remembers Disney’s “Motor Mania,” which was a short film about being polite in your car that featured Goofy’s transformation from lovable sidekick to Mickey Mouse into the hell-bent road terror known as Mr. Wheeler.

In short, mild-mannered Goofy gets behind the wheel of a car, and frustrated by stressors of daily life, becomes a psychopath driving a late model Ford – also known as Mr. Wheeler.

That is precisely what happened to me on Saturday. I’ll not recap it – Zilla has given a play-by-play of the entire morning on his blog, but let’s just say that a day to get cinderblocks, fabric and cat litter turned into a six-hour ride through hell that involved the following noises uttered by me:

  • EEEEEEEE! (Followed by me hitting the gas and cutting off two cars in the process.)
  • Okay, seriously. SERIOUSLY. People in the county SUCK. (Sorry for those county-dwellers, honestly. You know I love you.)
  • Did that really happen? Honestly? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GOOOOOOOOO!

And that’s the edited version.

The best thing that came from the day, other than the two delightful ladies at the fabric store, was knowing that Zilla and I had an incredibly stressful morning together, but not once were we ever short or disrespectful of each other. Quite the contrary. We held hands the whole time, as we always do. We flirted. We winked. We pinched each other – don’t ask. We both laughed as we so often do.

Not once did we lose patience with each other – and this was precisely how it should have been. I am so thankful to have someone who is not only incredibly hot, but also so so so patient when I turn into Mr. Wheeler.

And while Saturday day was a bit of a bust, Saturday night found us snuggled up watching movies and eating tasty sammies from Jimmy John’s. Sunday held delicious pancakes and much relaxation (and champagne!) on the sofa, offering a great start to the beginning of the week.

And as a sidenote, August 4 is our three-month anniversary; Mr. Wheeler or not, I’m glad to have found such a great co-pilot. 

August 4, 2008 at 1:57 am Leave a comment

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